Rewriting Refuge: Refugees and the Right to Research
Rewriting Refugee
This is a series of events from the Shannon Lectures - Fall 2023. There are in Canada, as in other countries, many stories about refuge. Some of this history has been used to create powerful nation-building myths, which in turn have facilitated the inclusion of some and the exclusion of others. This edition of the Shannon Lecture Series, “Rewriting Refuge” seeks to explore the history of sanctuary and protection in a new light; by considering the movements of Indigenous peoples, the activism of migrants themselves, the creation of borders, and transnational connections. Featuring scholars working in a range of geographic contexts and temporal periods, the Shannon Lecture Series, “Rewriting Refuge” promises to offer important critical insights into both the past and the present-day. Panelists include Gerawork Teferra, Marcia Schenck, Kate Reed and Christina Clark-Kazak.
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